While firms call it different things, many recruiting and search processes are the same. What Dorazio & Associates can offer you that other companies cannot is a higher level of tailored service. Our approach to finding the perfect match for you is continued communication and direct involvement by our managing director. They conduct the search and interview your candidate directly. Rather than passing on responsibilities of a managing director to everyone on staff like most firms, we ensure a comprehensive understanding of what roles you are trying to fill and seek out the best candidates based on your needs. You are with us throughout this process to construct and implement your search; we are with you throughout this process.
One very unique approach is that we have a fixed fee for the search. A traditional search firm will charge as much as 35% of the starting salary or On Target Earnings, and if your hiring salary range is broad, their search motivations might not be focused on what is best for you. The higher salary they recommend, the higher the fee is for you and your firm.
Not with us! We assess the difficulty of the search by scanning the market for the number of potential candidates and come back to you with a fee based on the complexity of the search, not the salary of the potential candidates. This fee becomes our fixed fee for the entirety of the search process, regardless of who you choose to interview and hire.
Another difference between Dorazio & Associates and other firms is that most firms use a retained fee approach, which means more fees upfront before the hiring process has ended. We use a modified contingency search. This allows us to conduct the search, interview the candidate, and ensure a successful hire before you pay the majority of the fee. We strive to provide you with the perfect candidate to fit your company’s needs.